Don Martinez

Don Martinez is one of the central historical figures in the evolution of dry fly-fishing in the American West. As well, he is the tyer most closely associated with popularizing one of the most prolific western patterns ever--the Wooly Worm. He is pictured above in his one room fly shop with a customer on his left and the future West Yellowstone fly shop owner Pat Barnes on his right. Pat went on with his wife Sig to also be a major force in shaping western fly-fishing.

As you will note on his blue and yellow fly boxes below, Martinez lived in Los Angeles during the winter and in the spring he returned to West Yellowstone, Montana to operate this one room fly shop and fish the waters he loved. Martinez flies are some of the most difficult flies to acquire given Don Martinez passed away at an early age in the 1950s.

On the top right is the first Bud Lilly Trout Shop in West Yellowstone, Montana. Note the window advertising that features D. S. Martinez leaders and flies. At the time, Bud Lilly was the exclusive distributor of Don Martinez flies.

The top left is a Don Martinez knotted leader package as noted in the shop window.

Don Martinez Furnace Variant
Don Martinez Rough Water Flies
Don Martinez Gray Variant
Don Martinez Wooly Worm
Don Martinez McGinty & Rio Grande King
Don Martinez Variety Pack
Don Martinez Brown Killer Diller Flying
Don Martinez Furnace Variant
Don Martinez Gray Mayfly
Don Martinez Grasshoppers
Butte Museum Martinez Flies A
Butte Museum Martinez Flies B

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